在最深的海洋、最寒冷的兩極、最高的山峰和最炎熱的沙漠,都有生物繁盛生長。在過去 37 億年,生命不斷地進化,演變至今,在地球的每一個角落都有生命棲息。豐富多樣的生命、物種和環境,都是無價瑰寶。


更新世時期,12,000 年
試想像在入黑後遇上這隻兇猛的劍齒虎。假如您生存於 12,000 年前或更久以前的美洲,您很有可能會遇到這個情況。如獅子般高大,加上可怕的牙齒,這個物種會突襲草食哺乳動物,例如美洲野牛、巨大地懶、駱駝、馬,甚至幼小的哺乳動物。美洲劍齒虎——人類曾遇到的幾種劍齒虎之一,已在最後一次冰河時期絕種。

Silver chafer beetle
Central America
This beetle’s highly reflective wing cases confuse predators such as birds, reptiles and monkeys. Instead of a mouthful of food, they think they are simply seeing a giant water droplet, a common sight in the wet cloud forests of Central America. The metallic sheen is a base layer of colour pigment covered by several colourless, thin layers, causing optical interference in much the same way as the thin layer of aluminium on a compact disk.

Giant ground sloth
Pleistocene Period, 12,000 years old
For a predator to bring down a giant sloth was a feat of epic proportions. Its hide was thicker than an elephant’s, and adults weighed about 1,500 kilogrammes. These giant mammals grazed on plants and lived in open habitats in the temperate regions of South America until about 12,000 years ago.