
亞達爾礦石 (Jadarite)
超人要注意!根據《超人─強戰回歸》所描述的成分,這種礦物與虛構的礦物氪氣石非常近似。地質學家在 2006 年發現亞達爾礦石,而當自然歷史博物館的科學家分析其成分時,發現它由鈉、鋰、硼和二氧化矽組成。若再加上氟便可以徹底消滅超人的超級英雄能力。


Latrobe gold nugget
Incredibly rare and fine, this 717-gramme gold nugget still has its individual crystals intact. It is formed from gold cubes and octahedrons, some more than a centimetre across. Since gold is soft and erodes easily, a nugget preserving its crystalline structure is a superb find. The discovery came at the McIvor mine in Australia during a visit from Charles Joseph Latrobe, the Governor of the State of Victoria, so it is named after him.

Neanderthal genome
How do modern humans differ from our closest ancient relatives, the Neanderthals? Scientists have replicated the complete genome of a female Neanderthal, which is more than 99 per cent identical to that of modern humans. However, it suggests her parents were closely related and that inbreeding was common among Neanderthals. The DNA also shows that after our evolutionary path diverged from that of the Neanderthals, human genes relating to brain function, the nervous system and language may have subtly changed.
Sample donated by Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany.